This is a print preview of "Melon Ice Candy" recipe.

Melon Ice Candy Recipe
by Ang Sarap

One last chance before it gets cold here down under that is why today we will be posting a summer treat famous in the Philippines, the Ice Candy. I had posted several flavours before which the Munngo (Adzuki) and Avocado but today we will make a melon ice candy.

Ice candy for those who haven’t tried or seen it yet is similar to ice blocks or ice pops but instead of that ice treat served on a stick it is served in a long plastic containers. To consume them is simply opening one end and suck the cold juices out of it, perfect for summer and kids definitely love them.

Melon Ice Candy

Mix everything in a large pitcher. Pour into ice candy plastic bags Freeze until firm. 3.2.2708


You can buy these plastic bags at Amazon (here and here)

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