This is a print preview of "Maple Orange Cranberry Sauce with a Touch of Grand Marnier" recipe.

Maple Orange Cranberry Sauce with a Touch of Grand Marnier Recipe
by Kim - Liv LIfe

Ahhh Cranberry Sauce! The ultimate Thanksgiving condiment. Lovely on your holiday table, but in my opinion, even better on a day after sandwich or spooned atop a dollop of goat cheese baked in puff pastry. But however you enjoy it, homemade is ultimately better than the one from a can. Though I do have friends who will oppose that statement...

Over the years my tastes have moved from super sweet mostly sugar sauces to versions boosting the cranberry flavors which bring with them loads of health benefits.

Did you know the cranberry outranks nearly every fruit in disease-fighting antioxidants with only the blueberry ranking higher? Filled with vitamin C and fiber, cranberries have been associated with lowered risk of urinary tract infections, prevention of certain types of cancers, improved immune functions and decreased blood pressure.

But how did Cranberry Sauce come to be a Thanksgiving tradition? A native to northeastern North America, the pilgrims most likely had cranberries available to them, however sugar was much harder to come by. As such, cranberry sauce probably did not accompany the first Thanksgiving. But, the Native Americans mostly likely taught the new settlers how to use cranberries and their natural preservative power - cranberries were mixed into dried meat meals to extend its shelf life. The beginning of cranberries at Thanksgiving?? Perhaps.

Whatever the origin, cranberry sauce is here to stay and making your own couldn't be simpler. Making a no refined sugar version this year I think I've stumbled upon a new favorite with the addition of rich pure maple syrup and sweet, freshly squeezed orange juice. The splah of Grand Marnier?? Just adding a dash of heaven to tie it all together.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends, may your holiday be filled with delight!

Maple Orange Cranberry Sauce with a Touch of Grand Marnier

Sweet and flavorful, no one will miss the refined sugars in this holiday version. The splash of Grand Marnier simply adds a little bit of heaven!

Wash cranberries and pick out the soft ones. Place cranberries into a pot with the maple syrup, orange juice and zest. Heat over a medium-high heat stirring occasionally until mixture reaches a boil, then reduce heat to medium/medium-low and simmer until berries begin to pop and break down, still stirring occasionally - about 15-20 minutes.

When berries are very soft, remove from heat and mash with a masher or back of a large wooden spoon. Add Grand Marnier if desired and stir to combine.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days, or alternatively, freeze and thaw before use. Enjoy!