This is a print preview of "Mango Almond Milk" recipe.

Mango Almond Milk Recipe
by Rawfully Tempting

YUM! YUM! YUM! Simple, light and totally refreshing. For a quick, easy, and delightful beverage that you can prepare in minutes, try this! Feel free to add additional fruit, as desired, but the simplicity of this made my taste buds smile!

Mango Almond Milk

Blend almonds and water.

Pour mixture through nutmilk bag or seive into a bowl, and strain out pulp.

Note - Pulp can be frozen, dehydrated and ground into wonderful almond flour.

Pour milk back into blender and add medjool dates, champagne mango meat and vanilla extract. Blend until creamy. Optional - blend in a few ice cubes and serve.

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