Stufato di manzo Italiano ( Beef Stew)

Stufato di manzo Italiano ( Beef Stew) by J. Gino Genovesi

Stews have been around for many years, in many nations with such diverse recipes. All types of meats are used in what some call stew. It is sometimes called "poor mans meal" because one can use many types of meats and vegetables. In my family we like stews and serve over mashed potatoes, rice and with corn and other vegetables.…

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Hot Ox Bone Marrow with Chinese Garlic

Hot Ox Bone Marrow with Chinese Garlic by hcgarlic

Bone marrow is the essential part of a bone, it is a pioneering work to take it out and make it a good dish. Bone marrow can help with adding kidney essence and profiting lung.

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