Giveaway, giveaway, giveaway!


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Giveaway, giveaway, giveaway!


Recipe Summary & Steps

The hubby and I are in hunker-down-and-wait mode, finishing up last-minute projects around the house, cooking some of our favorite comfort foods, and doing anything else that we might not be able to do with an impressionable child in the house (watching rated R movies with the volume up high, not wearing pants, etc.).

To thank everyone for putting up with my sporadic posts for the past nine months, and my recent tendency for baking cookies for supper instead of real meals, I'm sponsoring my first-ever giveaway!

This is also shameless bribery to keep you coming back when my posts become even more random and sporadic after the baby is born. Which, God willing, is sometime in the next three weeks. (Although I'd take sooner, I really would.) Everyone tells me I won't have time to shower, let alone cook, but I'd like to prove them wrong. On both counts.

This gift card can be all yours if you do the following:

Send me your favorite yummy recipes with easy preparation. What are your go-to standbys when time is short? Note that crockpot recipes are especially appreciated, because they cater to my laziness. (1 entry per recipe)

Link to this post from your blog. (1 entry)

I feel compelled to mention Twitter, because everyone else does. But I don't yet tweet. However, if you happen to tweet something, let me know. I can't possibly check up on you. (1 entry)

Become a follower of this blog. (2 entries)

Add this blog to your blogroll. (2 entries)

Please send any entry info to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is September 30. I'll randomly select and announce a winner on October 1, with the right to postpone a few days if I'm off having a baby or something. (Excuses, excuses.)

And now, I'm off to make grilled pizza and oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies. As always, I suggest you do the same.

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