fresh tomato soup


  • tomatoes - 8 medium sized , garlic - 6 cloves , carrot - 1 medium sized , celery - 2 inch stalk , onion - 1 medium sized , parsley - a few sprigs , peppercorns - 4 - 6 , oil - 1/2 tbsp , butter - 1 tbsp , bay leaf - 1 , salt - to taste , sugar - 1 tsp , cream - 1/4 cup , bread croutons - 12 -16
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fresh tomato soup

Time: 5 minutes prep, 5 minutes cook
Servings: 5


  1. 1. wash and cut tomatoes into quarters .peel , wash and chop garlic . peel , wash and cut carrots into roundels .wash and chop celery . peel , wash and slice onion . wash and chop parsely . crush peppercorns . 2. put oil , butter , onion , carrot , celery, garlic , bayleaf in a large microwave bowl and cook for 5 minutes on microwave high ( 100 percent ) 3 . add quartered tomatoes , salt , sugar and 3 cups of water and cook covered on microwave high (100 percent ) for 20 minutes 4. let it cook lightly . blend in a blender till smooth . add crushed peppercorns and cook further on microwave high (100percent ) for 5 minutes . 5 . stir in cream and garnish with chopped parsley .serve piping hot with bread croutons .
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health based soup