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Egg Puffs - How To Make Egg Puffs Recipe
by Nisa Homey

Egg Puffs-How to make egg puffs; Kerala egg puffs is one of the most sought after bakery snack in Kerala. Homemade puff pastry is filled with egg masala and baked and the best part is you can make homemade puffs when you have that craving for puffs.

I made an easy onion masala for the filling; which is adapted from here. It is important to make the filling first and then make the puff pastry (detailed step by step method) which will take not more than 15 minutes and once the puff pastry is ready; you should work very fast and fill with the egg masala and bake immediately

The secret to the flaky layers is vegetable shortening; I had several queries regarding this and some of you wanted to know whether butter can be use. If you are using butter, you will have to chill the dough after each rolling.

Amma learned this from a friend who owned a bakery in the late 70s and she used make this for us whenever we demanded puffs. I am sure, you can make this once in a while for your kids also.

Step by Step method:

Yields: 8

One measure homemade puff pastry.

Preheat oven to 180 degree c

Heat a pan with oil and add in sliced onions and ginger-garlic paste, when it is transparent add in Kashmiri chilly powder, turmeric and garam masala. Mix well, and again saute in low heat for 2 minutes. Then allow it to cool down.

Meanwhile, boil 4 eggs and keep aside. Remove from shell and slice into two. Spoon a tbsp of the cooled onion mix and place the egg cut side down on top of the mix.

Pull the four edges lightly over the egg and gently press down the ends (so that it does not separate when baking). Repeat the same with the rest and brush with beaten egg. Bake at 180 degree C for 50 minutes or until done.

Easy Kerala puffs for you.

Egg Puffs - How To Make Egg Puffs


7 mins |


50 mins |




Oil: 2-3 tbsp.

Beaten egg for brushing


Heat a pan with oil and add in sliced onions and ginger-garlic paste, when it is transparent add in Kashmiri chilly powder, turmeric and garam masala. Mix well, and again saute in low heat for 2 minutes. Then allow it to cool down.

Meanwhile, boil 4 eggs and keep aside. Remove from shell and slice into two. Spoon a tbsp of the cooled onion mix and place the egg cut side down on top of the mix.

Pull the four edges lightly over the egg and gently press down the ends (so that it does not separate when baking). Repeat the same with the rest and brush with beaten egg. Place them on a greased baking tray or baking mat and bake at 180 degree C for 50 minutes or until done.


Though in bakeries egg puffs are made in this shape, I prefer the shape I had shown in the puff pastry post; just put the filling on one side and pull the other half over it. The reason why I do not prefer this shape is that; the exposed egg (on the sides) tend to become harder while the puffs are baking; so if the filling is covered fully then the eggs will remain soft.

Make sure that the filling is completely cooled before filling in the puff pastry.

Brush with beaten eggs before baking to get that golden color and make sure that egg is not dripped in the tray.

Baking time may vary with oven.

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