Easy Candy Bars


  • ~white chocolate, pistachios & cranberries
  • ~dark chocolate & krispie rice cereal
  • ~milk chocolate & toffee bits
  • ~white choclate & peppermint
  • ~dark chocolate & pomegrant seeds
  • ~milk chocolate & peanut butter
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Easy Candy Bars


Recipe Summary & Steps

The holidays can be quite hectic and if you're like me, you have a lot of people to buy for. I like to make sure that everyone knows how thankful I am for all that they do. Every year I make a small homemade gift to show my appreciation; this year we're making personalized candy bars. Even though it's a small token, I want it to be delicious so only a good quality chocolate will do! One company I have come to love is Chocoley.

We made our candy bars with milk chocolate and dark chocolate; added in some crushed almonds then used the Drizzle & Design White Chocolate for the sayings. It's a simple and thoughtful gift that tastes delicious too!


Over a double boiler, melt the chocolate.

Mix in the crushed almonds.

Pour into a candy bar mold that is sprayed with non-cooking spray.

Allow to cool and set up. Carefully flip chocolate out of the mold.

Melt the white chocolate, write on your saying and decorate.

Place in the bag so it stays fresh.

Slide into the package and give to someone you appreciate!

Chocoley provided me with the chocolate & supplies; the opinions are my own.

Here are some flavor combinations I can't wait to try:

  • ~white chocolate, pistachios & cranberries
  • ~dark chocolate & krispie rice cereal
  • ~milk chocolate & toffee bits
  • ~white choclate & peppermint
  • ~dark chocolate & pomegrant seeds
  • ~milk chocolate & peanut butter

What flavor would you make?

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