This is a print preview of "David's "Damfine" 10 Chile Red Chili" recipe.

David's "Damfine" 10 Chile Red Chili Recipe
by Global Cookbook

David's "Damfine" 10 Chile Red Chili
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  Servings: 1


  • Brown the beef well in batches in the oil. Toast the dry chiles Combine the dry and fresh chiles and simmer covered with water for 30 Min Puree and strain the chile mix, add in to the browning meat. Add in the beer, chile powders and the garlic. Simmer several hrs till the meat is tender, adding a bit more beer As (to the cook) necessary.


  1. NOTES:1. Serve with the usual: Ranch beans (black are best), Xtra sharp cheddar cheese, a dab of lowfat sour cream and plenty of fresh flour tortillas.
  2. Do not be fooled by how easy this is. It's really good.
  3. Substitutions are (of course) permissable, the key is to use a wide variety of complimentary chile flavors to develope an incredible depth of flavor and richness with teriffic full-mouth-glow and a long lasting pleasant chile "afterglow". (sounds kinda like a wine review eh)
  4. In my book: The cheaper the meat, the better the flavor. (unless you run into something "rasty" the butcher is fire-selling before it turns green)
  5. 5.
  6. This recipe would be really good using venison. YUM!