Cupcakes Bouquet


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Cupcakes Bouquet


Recipe Summary & Steps

Cupcakes Bouquet

Whoever thought of this presentation for cupcakes is really a genius! I mean when you receive this and they are edible..I just thought that it is practical, sweet and memorable. Well, the cupcakes have to be good though. For this project, I started going through some tutorials available on the internet. The options are you either use styrofoam ball or plastic cups. I chose the cheaper option - plastic cups. So, you will need :

One of your favourite batch of cupcakes,

7 plastic cups ,

Small cardboard,

A box big enough to fit the base of the 7 cups stapled together,

Some crepe paper ,a nice transparent wrapper and ribbons.

Start off by using a stapler to staple 2 cups together and simply add on in a circle of 6 cups and one goes in the middle, that will give you 7 cups in total.

Next,make a cardboard base for the cups to sit on and using sticky tape to stick them on.

You need to find a box that is big enough for the cups base to sit in or a pot or whatever you can get your hands on.

Stuff the box with newspaper and lay a small piece of green crepe paper before fitting in the base of the cups snuggly. (If you find this too troublesome, go get a foam ball and use toothpicks to stick cupcakes onto it.)

Use another 2 colour crepe papers to wrap around the base and then use the transparent wrapper over them before securing with ribbons like a bouquet.

Once the cupcakes are done and cooled, stuff crepe papers into all the plastic cups so that the cupcakes will not slide down the cups. Sit the cupcakes nicely on each plastic cup. Frost the cupcakes with flower patterns. There you have it, a nice edible centerpiece or a pretty gift for that someone special!

Happy Trying!

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