This is a print preview of "Cream Of Mussel Soup (Irish)" recipe.

Cream Of Mussel Soup (Irish) Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Cream Of Mussel Soup (Irish)
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  Servings: 4


  • 3/4 pt Mussels
  • 3 c. Cool water
  • 2 ounce Butter
  • 1 ounce Flour
  • 1/2 c. Single cream
  • 1 x Salt and pepper


  1. Wash the mussels thoroughly. Heat in a dry drying pan till the shells open. Shell and beard the mussels. In a saucepan, heat butter, add in flour and fry for 1 or possibly 2 min. Remove from heat and stir in water, plus any liquid left from frying pan. Add in salt and pepper, bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 10 min. Remove from heat. Stir in mussels and cream.
  2. Adjust seasoning and serve immediately.