Crazy Dog T~Shirt Review/Giveaway, Ham Bites are Born and Mozzarella Sticks and Onion Rings!


  • Fried Mozzarella Sticks
  • 1 cup Italian Panko Bread Crumbs
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon seasoning salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 12 string cheese sticks, cut in half
  • oil for frying
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Crazy Dog T~Shirt Review/Giveaway, Ham Bites are Born and Mozzarella Sticks and Onion Rings!


Recipe Summary & Steps

Today I'm linking up with We Are That Family for Works For Me Wednesday! My tip today is actually from my daughter, Jennie. She is a big pasta fan.Jennie says that when you make any kind of pasta you should throw a big handful of salt into the pasta water. I finally remembered to do it when I made spaghetti the other night. It was just spaghetti made with bottled sauce, frozen meatballs and (Jennie, don't read this) Parmesan cheese that comes in the big green can. Hey, that's what my family likes! Well, the family agreed that it was the best spaghetti they've had that was from a bottled sauce! So from now on I'm salting my pasta water for a more flavorful pasta!

Crazy Dog T~Shirt Review and Giveaway!

Crazy Dog T~Shirts is your number 1 place online for funny t~shirts. They were kind enough to let me pick out two shirts for a review.

I love this shirt, it says "Invisibility Shirt ~ Currently Deactivated"

Here she is again in it with her new puppy Ella. I don't know if I shared this with you, but her sweet doggie Fifi was hit and killed by a car, while I was in Maine. I felt so bad that I wasn't there for her when she lost Fifi. Ken bought her adorable Ella Louise (Louise is my middle name!) while i was gone to take Fifi's place. Ella is a Toy Platinum Mink Miniature Schnauzer. She is fitting into the family quiet nicely!

Here's Chauncey modeling this fun Zombie Shirt! His big brother Jacob is big on outsmarting Zombie attacks!

I just had to share another picture of Chauncey modeling!

Crazy Dog T~Shirts are made out of a nice heavy cotton and are really nice thick and soft t~shirts. We always hang our t~shirts to dry and these didn't shrink when we washed them. Crazy Dog T~Shirts has an awesome selection to choose from!

Crazy Dog T~Shirts are letting me giveaway a T~Shirt to one lucky winner and the winner can pick any t~shirt!

Here are the rules~The first one is the only one you HAVE to do to enter the giveaway, the rest are just extra entries.

1)This rule is mandatory~Become a follower of my blog, easy huh? Just click on the Google Friend Connect Follower button on the top left on my blog. Leave me a comment and tell me that you're a follower! Don't worry, if you are already following me that's great, just leave me a comment saying you're a follower!

4)Put my cute Songberries Button on your blog. (You can find it on the top left of my blog) Leave me a comment saying you did with a link to your blog.

This giveaway is open to US Residents only and I will close it and pick a winner Sunday, June 20th.

I was not financially compensated for this review. I received a sample of this product for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my own experiences.

  • Fried Mozzarella Sticks
  • 1 cup Italian Panko Bread Crumbs
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon seasoning salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 12 string cheese sticks, cut in half
  • oil for frying

First, put the cheese sticks on a plate and freeze for 2 hrs.

Heat oil in a skillet, I like to use my cast iron 10inch skillet with about 2 inches of oil.

In a bowl put the flour and seasonings and mix with a whisk. In another bowl whisk the eggs and milk. In a third bowl place the panko bread crumbs. I like to line my bowls up by the stove with the bread crumbs being the closest to the stove, then the egg mixture, then the flour mixture.

This is where I got my family involved! I had Sloan dipping the cheese sticks in the flour, then she'd put them into the egg mixture. Ken would take them out of the egg mixture and roll them in the bread crumbs, then put them in the hot oil.. I would turn them over with tongs when they started to brown, then remove them to a plate with 2 layers of paper towels on it, when they were browned.

We had leftover breading, so we cut some onions up and made onion rings!

We still had some of the breading left, so we cut up pieces of ham and made ham bites! Ken just loved the ham bites! I thought they were better than chicken nuggets!

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