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Cranberry Sweet Rolls Recipe
by Mary Ellen

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cranberry Sweet Rolls Recipe

I made a good basic roll recipe and then filled it with a cranberry orange filling, such a pleasant change from the normal cinnamon rolls I usually make. The cranberries are just a little tart but I like that about them and with the frosting on top of the rolls, they are just wonderful and not overly sweet.

I also figured since we going into the busy holiday season that I would double the dough recipe and freeze half of it. The recipe below is for 1 pan of rolls, double the dough part if you want to freeze some. I thought as long as I am making bread I might as well take advantage and have some dough ready and waiting. When I need rolls the next time, I just have to remember to get the dough out of the freezer and let it thaw. All I need to do then is roll it out, add whatever filling I want, let them raise and finally bake.

The filling is so good and a little on the tart side so you might want to add another tablespoon or two of sugar but I would wait to see after you cook it down before adding it. Also in the dough recipe if you notice I said to add the salt with the flour. Somewhere a long time ago I read the salt can kill the yeast so I do my best to make sure I don’t add it with the liquids. I kind of hate doing it that way because if I forget it my bread doesn’t taste good, one thing bread needs is salt or it will taste flat.

Cranberry Sweet Rolls

Yield: Makes 10 - 12 sweet rolls

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 20 - 25 minutes

Total Time: less than 2 hours

Cranberry Sweet Rolls are made with a sweet yeast dough, a cranberry orange filling and frosted.




Add the yeast, sugar and milk to your mixing bowl. Let is set for a few minutes to let the yeast get going. Mix up the egg and add it with the melted butter. Stir it until mixed.

Then add the flour and salt. Mix until it comes together. Use your dough hook and mix for about 5 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and satiny looking. Cover and let dough raise until doubled. Punch it down and let it raise a second time, this one usually takes about 30 minutes depending on how warm your kitchen is.

To make the filling, chop the cranberries in a food processor. (You can chop them with a knife but it is not fun as the berries roll.) Add the berries with sugar to a saucepan. Zest the orange and then juice it. Add the zest, juice and water. Bring to a boil and let simmer for about 20 minutes or until the liquid is reduced and mixture is thickened. Cool.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a 12 x 16 rectangle. Spread the cranberries over the top of the dough. Roll the dough up into a cylinder.

Grease a 12 inch pan. Cut the dough into 1 inch rolls. Place in the pan. Cover and let raise until doubled.

Mix together the frosting ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes. Let set for 5 minutes and turn rolls out of pan onto a wire rack. Flip rolls over and frost while still warm.