This is a print preview of "Bubur Cha Cha - Sweet Potato And Yam Pudding" recipe.

Bubur Cha Cha - Sweet Potato And Yam Pudding Recipe
by Angie

Bubur Ca Ca or Sweet Potato And Yam Pudding is another traditional and very popular dessert in Malaysia. You can either serve this sweet dessert warm or cold. As for me, I prefer to savor them warm.

NOTE: This is an updated post with a new pictures and video cooking guide. {Original post published on 08/27/09}

Bubur Cha Cha - Sweet Potato And Yam Pudding



Steam the sweet potato and yam on a high heat for about 8 to 10 minutes or until cooked.

In a medium saucepan, combine water and pandan leaves, sugar, and bring it to a boil. Mix in the coconut and simmer for about 10 minutes. Then add Sago pearls and cook for about 3 to 5 minutes. Lastly, add the steamed sweet potatoes and yam, and season with salt. Let it simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve warm, room temperature or cold.

{Original post published on 08/27/09}

By the way, I will be submitting my Bubur Ca Ca recipe for the Merdeka Open House 2009 organized by Babe in the City - KL. Malaysia will be celebrating 52 years of independence from the British on August 31st 2009. The theme chosen for this year’s virtual open house is My Sweet Malaysia. This is a great way to showcase some of the traditional sweet desserts from Malaysia. So, do remember to check out Babe in the City - KL blog on August 31st for some delicious sweet dessert recipes from Malaysia.