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Blue By You Potatoes Recipe
by Turnips2Tangerines

Today's recipe features: "Blue" Potatoes and "Blue or Bleu" Cheese......

Is it "Blue" or "Bleu"?? Well, that depends.....

Either spelling is correct...."Bleu" is French and "Blue" is English.

"Bleu" means "blue" in French and "Blue" means "blue" in English.

In English you would say blue cheese and In French you would say fromage bleu, bleu, du bleu or bleu de [place/region where it was made] Example: Bleu de Bresse was first made in the Bresse area of France after World War II.

Well Known Blue Cheeses are:

Roquefort (French)

Gorgonzola (Italian)

Stilton (English)

Maytag Blue (American)

Danish Blue (Denmark)

Irish Cashel Blue (Ireland)

Spanish Cabrales (Northern Spain)

I'm a huge fan of Blue Cheese, which wasn't always the case. I never liked blue cheese when I was younger, in fact, I've really only acquired a taste for blue cheese within the last 10 years. Even though you don't like blue cheese now, give it a second, third, even fourth chance, you might be surprised and actually like it.

Blue Cheeses range in flavor from sharp to robust and the texture ranges from creamy to crumbly, depending on the age and style of the cheese. There are no two Blue Cheeses that are alike, therefore each blue cheese is judged individually.

When sampling blue cheese, keep in mind...

Danish Blue and Gorgonzola are considered the mildest,

Stilton has a moderately strong taste

Roquefort and Maytag Blue are considered strong

Irish Cashel Blue and Spanish Cabrales are robust and strong

Here in Wisconsin, Roth Käse Cheese makes a delicately laced blue cheese called Buttermilk Blue. Buttermilk Blue is created from Wisconsin milk for the creamiest texture and has a tangy yet mellow flavor. It's also perfect for cooking or snacking out of hand. Buttermilk Blue recently won the 2014 Best of Class, World Championship Cheese Contest.

Another wonderful Blue from Roth Käse is called Moody Blue. Moody Blue is a classic blue cheese made in small batches from Wisconsin milk. Moody Blue is deliciously rich and creamy. It's delicately smoked over fruit wood to create smoky undertones.

If you would like to order Wisconsin Cheese or any of the cheeses mentioned above go to: igourmet

Now on to the Blue Potatoes~

(they actually look more purple than blue in the photos:)

Adirondack Blue is a hybrid potato variety, that has both blue flesh and skin, which is not always the case in the blue potato varieties. Released by Cornell University potato breeders Robert Plaisted, Ken Paddock, and Walter De Jong in 2003.

The Adirondack Blue has skin that is very high in antioxidants. Adirondack Blues do not turn grey after boiling which makes them great for salads. They do have a short shelf life and should be used within a few days to weeks after purchasing, depending on how fresh the potatoes were when you bought them. Blue potatoes retain their blue color when made into potato chips.

Taste/Flavor: Rich, creamy and nutty

Serve with blue cheese dressing, if desired.

*The views and opinions stated here are strictly my own. I haven't been compensated in any way from any of the companies mentioned above. Lynn