This is a print preview of "Tex-Mex Quinoa Bowl for #MeatlessMonday" recipe.

Tex-Mex Quinoa Bowl for #MeatlessMonday Recipe
by Jaime Oliver

Tex-Mex Quinoa Bowl for #MeatlessMonday

August 25, 2014 by Christie Campbell Leave a Comment

This post is a delicious recipe shared by monthly contributor Christie from A Kitchen Hoor’s Adventures.

Tex-Mex Quinoa Bowl is a delicious mix of herbs and spices, protein packed beans and quinoa, and creamy cheese in a quick, weeknight #meatfree meal.

Hello there Mom’s Test Kitchen readers! I’s me, Christie from A Kitchen Hoor’s Adventures, again. I’m dropping in on Jaime’s blog to offer up some tasty vittles for her readers. So, sit back and enjoy my little banter and if you like what you read, head on over to my blog to read some more.

The hubs and I have been doing the #MeatlessMonday thing for quite a while now. I’m starting to introduce new #meatfree foods to him. Strangely enough, there’s a tailgating commercial that has quinoa burgers in it. Cracks me up. If S hasn’t read the menu, sometimes on the way home he asks me what’s for dinner. I said, “Tex-Mex Quinoa Bowl. “Quinoa?” “Yeah, ya know, kweeno, from that commercial?” “AH! Okay.”

This is one of those dishes that just doesn’t have great stage pressence. It’s a lump in a bowl instead of on a plate this time. But honestly, it’s not going to last long in that bowl. It is so yummy, I’m surprised there was any left for me to photograph! The herbs and spices are perfect in this meal. They’re not too spicy and have plenty of flavor, which is soaked up by the quinoa.

See? There’s the red quinoa (You can use any color you’d like, but I chose red in this dish), green chiles, pinto beans, cheese, sauce, tasty goodness that comes together in the time it takes to cook the quinoa; about 20 minutes. How can ya beat that? A delicious meal on the table in less than 30. ON A MONAY NO LESS!! It’s a total win/win on this one.

Tex-Mex Quinoa Bowl for #MeatlessMonday



Heat a large skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add the onions and saute until they begin to soften. Add the zucchini and saute 5 to 7 minutes.

Sprinkle the vegetables with the taco seasoning and stir well to combine. Add the vegetable broth and simmer until it begins to thicken; about 3 to 5 minutes.

Add the green chiles and pinto beans. Simmer until the beans are heated through; one to two minutes.

Divide the quinoa evenly between four bowls. Top with 1 cup of the bean mixture, 1/2 cup tomatoes, 1/4 cup onions and 1/2 cup cheddar cheese and serve.


PEP Counts – Yields 4 servings:












