Marshmallow Fondant


  • 2 lbs. of confectioner’s sugar (sifted)
  • ½ cup Crisco
  • 16 oz. of marshmallow
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • Additional confectioner’s sugar
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Marshmallow Fondant


Recipe Summary & Steps

7 Steps to a great Fondant!

Marshmallow Fondant

Fondant is a sugar paste for covering cakes and making decorations. There are two types of fondant: roll-out and poured fondant. You can get store-bought fondant for your decorations or you can make your own. Home-made fondant has a much better taste than store-bought. You can also add flavoring and coloring to your fondant for a unique taste and look. To add flavoring, substitute flavoring for water. Add your favorite color when fondant is in the mixer; or while you are mixing it by hand if you've changed your mind at the last minute.

Make a good use of your electric mixer. The hook blade is made to work with dough such as fondant, so take advantage of it. You’ll be glad you did.

Always apply a thin coat of frosting to your cakes before covering with fondant. It is recommended for home-made fondant to be used within the first couple of weeks after it was made.

Here’s a guide on how to make Marshmallow Fondant step by step.


  • 2 lbs. of confectioner’s sugar (sifted)
  • ½ cup Crisco
  • 16 oz. of marshmallow
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • Additional confectioner’s sugar

Step 1

Sanitize and clean your countertop. Then pour and spread a good amount of confectioner’s sugar over it.

Prepare surface to roll fondant

Step 2

Attach hook to your mixer. Place Crisco and sugar in the mixing bowl. Don’t turn it on yet!

Hook attachment to mixer

Step 3

In a microwavable dish, combine marshmallow with water and heat in microwave oven for 1 ½ minutes.

Marshmallow for microwaving

Step 4

Remove marshmallow from oven. Stir until all the marshmallows melt. Do not put back in microwave oven, don’t need to, just continue stirring.

Marshmallow out of microwave

Step 5

Pour melted marshmallow into the sugar and Crisco. Star mixing. Mix until all is well incorporated. You will end up with a very sticky ball.

Marshmallow mixed with confectioner's sugar and Crisco shortening

Step 6

Take dough out of mixing bowl and start kneading over the prepared surface. Knead until no longer sticky. (If too sticky add a little sugar; if too dry add a little Crisco.)

Kneading fondant

Step 7

Wrap with plastic twice or put double in zip-lack bags. If possible, let it rest until the next day.

Fondant wrapped in plastic

If you don’t have an electric mixer, do all the kneading by hand; it will be just as good but you will need to use your arms muscles a little bit more.

If fondant has turned hard after couple of days, warm it up for couple of seconds, knead again and that’s it.

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