Krem čorba od praziluka sa ćuftama / Creamy Leek and Meatball Soup


  • 2 leeks
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 100ml white wine
  • 400ml soup
  • 150ml heavy cream
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 350gr ground meat (beef or beef/pork)
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 egg
  • about 200gr cream cheese
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Krem čorba od praziluka sa ćuftama / Creamy Leek and Meatball Soup


Recipe Summary & Steps

Za vikend opet prognoziraju sneg i zahlađenje, pa ako vam treba nešto da se ugrejete probajte ovu čorbicu...

Krem čorba od praziluka sa ćuftama

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Potrebno: 2 praziluka

1 čen belog luka

100ml belog vina

400ml supe

150ml neutralne pavlake za kuvanje

2 parčeta hleba

350gr mlevenog mesa (junetina ili mešano)

1 kašičica mlevene paprike

1 jaje

oko 200gr krem sira




očistiti, prepoloviti i dobro oprati. Iseckati na komadiće. Zagrejati malo

ulja, dodati praziluk i sitno seckan beli luk i pržiti par minuta da praziluk

omekša. Dodati vino, supu i pavlaku i kuvati oko 15 minuta.

Za ćuftice, potopiti hleb u malo vode. Ocediti, dodati u meso zajedno sa

alevom paprikom i jajetom. Posoliti ih i pobiberiti i oblikovati male ćuftice.

Ispržiti ćuftice na mao ulja da porumene sa svih strana. Pržene ćufte dodati u

čorbu i kuvati oko 10'. Na kraju umešati i krem sir. Dobro promešati da se sir

istopi i skloniti sa vatre.

Creamy Leek and Meatball Soup


  • 2 leeks
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 100ml white wine
  • 400ml soup
  • 150ml heavy cream
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 350gr ground meat (beef or beef/pork)
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 egg
  • about 200gr cream cheese



Clean the leeks, half and wash. Chop into pieces. Heat some oil, add the leeks and finely chopped garlic and saute for a couple of minutes until the leeks are soft. Add the wine, soup and cream and cook for 15'.

Meanwhile, soak the bread in some water. Drain it and add to the meat along with paprika and an egg. Season with salt and pepper and shape into small meatballs. Fry them in some oil until golden brown. Add the meatballs to the soup and cook for 10'. Finally, add the cream cheese. Mix well to melt the cheese and remove form the heat.

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