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Home-made Pimento Cheese Spread Recipe
by Karen Robertson Hutchins

Home-made Pimento Cheese Spread

My Dad love Pimento Cheese sandwiches. I was a small child and can remember him grating the cheese and making the mixture. He always asked if I would like a bite and I would always say no, Sir, thank you.

Now that I am an adult, I wish I had tasted my Dad's Pimento Cheese Spread. My Dad passed away when I was 17 and a senior in high school. I miss my Dad so very much.. he was a great cook and I am glad I paid attention to him when he did cook.

Below is my recipe for Pimento Cheese Spread.

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Prep time: United States American
  Servings: 2 Cups


  • 2 cups Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, shredded (please buy a block of cheese and shred it yourself, it makes all the difference in the world)
  • 1 4 oz. jar of diced Pimento Peppers (do not drain)
  • 2 whole Jalapeno Peppers (or to taste chopped fine)
  • 2 whole Mild Banana Peppers (or to taste chopped fine)
  • 2 TBS. Dukes Mayonnaise (or to taste)
  • Cracked Pepper and Salt to taste


  1. Shred 2 cups of extra sharp cheddar cheese into a large mixing bowl (set aside)
  2. Open the jar of pimento peppers but do not drain, add peppers and juice to cheese.
  3. Chop Jalapeno Peppers very fine
  4. Chop Banana Peppers very fine
  5. Add both peppers to cheese mixture
  6. Add Dukes Mayonnaise, salt and pepper to the cheese mixture.
  7. Mix all ingredients together. If the mixture is too 'wet' add more cheese. If the mixture is too dry, add more mayonnaise.
  8. Refrigerate for at least two hours before use