Deep Thoughts In Less Than Four Minutes...GO!


  • Tracy’s Super Fantastic Chicken and Rice
  • 3 cups shredded cooked chicken * Use rotisserie if you want to cut down on time. I sautéed my chicken instead of boiling it *
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Fresh ground black pepper (to taste)
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 2-3 stalks celery, chopped coarsely
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • I used a mix of red, yellow, green, and orange bell peppers
  • 2 can of petite diced tomatoes
  • 2 ½ cups chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • Some lemon juice (to taste)
  • 1 1/1 teaspoons both cumin and chili powder
  • I used a mix of yellow and Mexican rice
  • A generous1/4 cup olive oil
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Deep Thoughts In Less Than Four Minutes...GO!


Recipe Summary & Steps

Deep Thoughts In Less Than Four Minutes...GO!

So I read something the other day that really started me thinking…

(I am paraphrasing here, but it was something to this effect)

“To place yourself in a state of thankfulness, think of one hundred things to be thankful for”. Seriously? Yes. “Everyday”. Impossible. Everday?? Someone must be smokin’ the good stuff have entirely TOO much free time, right? RIGHT? I’ll admit, this was my first reaction, and I know it wasn’t very positive. I’m really not usually a negative person- I guess.

It’s just that I am a pessimist realist at heart.

I have a lot of “drive- to- work- epiphanies” (thank goodness for spell check on that one) as I like to call them. In my 6.4 mile drive I often solve world crisis issues, or ponder the mysteries of the Universe. If Lil’ Man is with me, we are knee deep in discussing life on other planets, and Black Holes…

Today, I was alone. And thankful. For silence, and a few minutes to myself. That gave me time to think about what I read the other day. Ahhh, watch out for the rabbit holes, Alice.

I wondered in the short time remaining on my drive how many “I am thankful for” I could actually come up with, and how quickly. I think I came close to at least ½ of the 100 in less than 4 minutes- and although some of them wouldn’t make much sense to anyone but me, I’ll share my first 10 with you. (drum roll, please)

1. Today, I am thankful for…my eyesight. If it has to be one or the other in regard to hearing or vision, I’ll let the hearing go to the Meniere’s disease, thank you.

2. Today, I am thankful for…air conditioning. ESPECIALLY the air conditioning at work, so graciously provided and paid for by my company, and not me.

3. Today, I am thankful for…two feet that work (mostly) to get me around. J.C. doesn’t know it but I have been walking again for the past couple of days. He wanted me to wait three weeks until I went back to Dr. Val for my follow up, but I just can’t do it. Cat’s outta the bag now. Meow.

4. Today, I am thankful for…Tater, who very quietly consistently places himself by my feet or by my side, but always between me and any door…and now I am not quite so worried about not being able to hear everything.

5. Today, I am thankful for…the ability to write

6. Today, I am thankful for…my moments of sanity

7. Today, I am thankful for…my moments of Insanity

8. Today, I am thankful for…patience. Other people's.

9. Today, I am thankful for…the dogs that stand in the window of the office by the RR tracks wagging their tails at the cars and make me smile- EVERY day, Monday thru Friday.

10. Today, I am thankful for…being human…and therefore imperfect. But not, really. Imperfect, that is.

The obvious “thankfuls” aren’t even on here. I KNOW how lucky and blessed I am to be me. Duh.

I see it, Universe...I see it.

And instead of stressing about what to feed all of us tonight, I’ll choose to be a living, breathing, affirmation of the creative force that dwells within me.

A well stocked pantry doesn’t hurt either.

(that was the realist in me chiming in)

“Go get ‘em, Tiger”

(that was the Universe chiming in)

Bain sult as! (Enjoy!)

Listening to: Natalie Merchant

Thinking about: Going Home for a visit. Soon. I miss my Girl, and my mountains.

  • Tracy’s Super Fantastic Chicken and Rice
  • 3 cups shredded cooked chicken * Use rotisserie if you want to cut down on time. I sautéed my chicken instead of boiling it *
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Fresh ground black pepper (to taste)
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 2-3 stalks celery, chopped coarsely
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • I used a mix of red, yellow, green, and orange bell peppers
  • 2 can of petite diced tomatoes
  • 2 ½ cups chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • Some lemon juice (to taste)
  • 1 1/1 teaspoons both cumin and chili powder
  • I used a mix of yellow and Mexican rice

Sautee vegetables in oil for several minutes, add tomatoes, broth, cumin, chili powder, and thyme. Bring to a boil and add rice, boiling 5 minutes. Add chicken and mix well.

Spray bottom of a 13 x 9 pan with non stick cooking spray and transfer mixture. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees but make sure you check it at 45 minutes. Depending on variance of oven temps, yours may not take the full hour.

This recipe is my own and I encourage you to add/remove ingredients as it pleases you. I would love to hear about any variations you try.

Tracy's Rainbow Salad

3 medium red tomatoes, 3 medium yellow tomates, chunked.

1/2 red onion, sliced

1 cucumber, sliced

A generous1/4 cup olive oil

*Same for the red wine vinegar*

Kosher salt

Fresh ground black pepper- I like A LOT of it

Toss your tomatoes, onions, and cucumber with olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper.

Chill and serve.

Tracy Wilson on Facebook

J.C. Wilson on Facebook (My husband- who I am SO VERY thankful for)

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