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Cucumber Salad Recipe with Cilantro Lime Dressing | Summer Salad Recipes Recipe
by Radhika

I have avoided using yogurt (Curd) here as I usually combine both of them while making a raitha. But here tried out a simple salad dressing with coriander leaves, lime juice and ginger which makes it very zesty and refreshing during the hot day. You can add any other raw vegetable to this salad as this is a very basic one.

Cucumber Salad Recipe with Cilantro Lime Dressing

Prep time: 10 mins | Cook time: Nil | Serves: 3

Recipe Cuisine: Continental | Recipe Category: Salads



Wash cucumber and carrot and thinly slice them into roundels. I used my mandolin for this.

In a wide mixing bowl, whisk together oil, lime juice, grated ginger, black pepper powder, black salt, chaat masala powder, salt till the mixture gets emulsified well.

Add the cucumber, carrot, coriander leaves (cilantro) and toss well for the dressing to coat well.

Refrigerate and serve chilled.


If you do not have lime juice at hand, use 1/2 tsp white distilled vinegar in its place.

Using carrots is optional. I used it to add some color to the green salad.