This is a print preview of "CREAMY CARROT SOUP" recipe.

by Priyanka Bhattacharjee


The past too weekends were super tiring for me as I was busy looking for a house. Rents in any part in Bangalore has become a total killer. Also it was Monday yesterday and I had a very tiring and hectic day at work . To add to my misery I was the last drop so had reached home at 10:00pm......2 hours after I left :'(. Anyways lets forget all the sad things and move to something thats relaxing and fun....COOKING and BLOGGING .
Till some years back, I had some kind of a cold war with Carrots . Actually I didnt dislike them but I could never feel any great use of the vegetable. Whenever I am in Shillong, on Sundays my dad makes his super delicious noodles with lot of vegetable including carrot, so I felt that was the only best use of the vegetable. Then my mom started making Carrot Halwa, just remembering about her carrot halwa is making all drooly and humgry. According to me, she made the best Carrot Halwa I have ever tasted. Thats when I realized that this vegetable can be had in many different ways and I started experimenting-----Carrot Cake, Carrot and Chicken, Carrot puree with Grilled Fish etc.
So when I came home yesterday all tired I decided to make some soup, soups have always helped me relax. Also today I had read in my Food Bloggers' Cafe page about everyone creating wonders with Carrot and it got me tempted to have Carrot, hence my Creamy Carrot Soup was created

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Prep time: United States American
Cook time: Servings: 3 Bowls


  • Carrots-4 & half cup
  • Milk-1 cup
  • Cream-1 cup
  • Onions chopped-1 cup
  • Ginger juliennes-1 tablepoon
  • Oil-1 tablespoon
  • Salt-As per taste
  • Black pepper powder-1 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice-10-12 drops


  1. Boil water in a rice cooker with a pinch of salt and a few drops of lemon juice. Place the carrots in the cooker and cook till it softens.
  2. When the carrots are cooked, remove them from water and let it cool for some time.
  3. Transfer the carrots to a blender or food processor; cover and process until smooth.
  4. Heat oil in the pan and add the chopped onions and ginger juliennes and fry till the onions turn brown.
  5. Add the pureed carrot to the pan and cook for 2 min.
  6. Stir in the milk, cream, salt and pepper to the pan and cook over low heat for 5 min.
  7. The Creamy Carrot Soup is ready for the tummy.