This is a print preview of "Christmas Jello Salad" recipe.

Christmas Jello Salad Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Christmas Jello Salad
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  Servings: 1


  • 1 pkt (6 ounce.) lime jello
  • 1 pkt (6 ounce.) cherry jello
  • 1 pkt (6 ounce.) lemon jello
  • 1 pkt (8 ounce.) cream cheese
  • 1 c. Whipped cream or possibly Dream Whip
  • 1 can Crushed pineapple
  • 1 c. Mayonnaise
  • 1 c. Marshmallows, (miniatures)


  1. Prepare lime jello and pour into 10 x 13-inch pan till set. Dissolve lemon jello in 1 c. warm water in top of double boiler; add in marshmallows and heat. Remove from heat and add in liquid removed pineapple. Cold. Add in cream cheese and mayonnaise. Stir till well blended. Mix in whipped cream and pour over set lime jello. Mix cherry jello and when partially set, pour over cream mix, making three layers. Refrigeratetill ready to serve.