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Beanee Weenee Cornbread Casserole & {Easy Weeknight Meal Plan} Recipe
by Mommy's Kitchen

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With all of that planning dinner is usually the last thing anyone wants to do. It's easy to fall into the the habit of hitting the drive thru for fast food or ordering take out. I'm guilty of this myself. My kids could eat fast food every night, but it's really not the healthiest of dinner choices.

I'm here to tell you with a little planning dinner doesn't have to be so crazy. School and work are hectic enough, but with a simple meal plan you can avoid the drive through or last minute grocery stops on the way home.

I'm a avid meal planner, so when Walmart challenged me to share a no fuss weeknight meal plan I was right on board. Meal planning is definitely my thing, so I was really excited about this one. Plus it gives me an excuse to share a new dinner recipe.

Today's recipe is for a easy Beanee Weenie Cornbread Casserole. This recipe is perfect for busy weeknights. It took only 10 minutes to prepare and about 40 minutes to bake. Pair it with a fresh fruit or a salad and you have a easy weeknight meal.

Beanee Weenee Cornbread Casserole

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut up hot dogs into bite size pieces. in a large bowl add the pork and beans, hot dogs, brown sugar, barbecue sauce and mustard. Mix until combined.

Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 8 x 8 inch baking dish and set aside. In a small bowl add the corn muffin mix, egg and milk. Using a whisk blend until combined. If using cheese add it to the batter.

Pour the corn muffin mixture over the bean mixture and spread evenly. Bake at 350 degree oven for 35 - 40 minutes or until corn bread is cooked through and mixture is bubbly.

Cooks Note: 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese can be added to the corn muffin batter before adding on top the bean mixture.

I normally don't designate meals by days, but instead pick meals by a menu listing depending on how the days activities. The only meal specific days are Friday is typically pizza night and Sunday is our big family dinner night complete with dessert. Other than that it's always quick and easy meals.

If we have any leftovers they're usually packed in my husbands lunch for work the next day, so its rare that we ever have any. I do my grocery shopping at Walmart on Sunday and shop for all the groceries in one trip. This way I have everything I need to prepare all the dinner meals for the up coming week.

The menu below is a typical weekly meal plan at our house. My goal is always to keep it simple on the weeknights with casseroles, skillet meals and crock pot dishes. I always save the bigger meals for the weekend when we have more time on our hands.

Easy Weeknight Meal Plan



Need more recipe ideas? Check out the Recipe Index by Mommy’s Kitchen.

If you need some meal inspiration check out my Monthly Menu Plans for more dinner ides.