Recipes by Stephanie Snow (Page 2)

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Boozy Cherry Jam

Boozy Cherry Jam by Stephanie Snow

Boozy Cherry JamWhat? You don't toss alcohol into your jam at the end? Why not? It's tasty... and it's not like I'm giving it to minors, so all is well. :)The booze of choice you might ask? Amaretto. Pairs perfectly with freshly picked sweet cherries if I do say so myself. In case you were wondering how many cherries I picked. 8lbs to…

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Iced tea mocktails - giveaway

Iced tea mocktails - giveaway by Stephanie Snow

Iced tea mocktails - giveawayAs a blogger sometimes I get things in the mail from companies to try out. Most of the time John brings in the package and leaves it by my seat in the kitchen. However when boxes from Lipton come he feels the need to drink up some of the products before I can even take photos of them.Notice the diet citrus…

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Buzz Buzz Biscotti

Buzz Buzz Biscotti by Stephanie Snow

Buzz Buzz BiscottiAddicting is the best way to describe these biscotti, SERIOUSLY addicting. I tend to bake things and then either give them away or John eats the rest of them. Yup once baked goods are cooled and a day old I'm a bit of a snob and don't want to eat them.Not these.These I will happily eat days after they have been…

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Thick chewy bad for you cookies

Thick chewy bad for you cookies by Stephanie Snow

Long post title... I know. But it's true. These cookies are amazing!! Super thick and chewy and Sally's Baking Addiction gives all the reasoning for it in her post and why she uses the ingredients she does. One point she makes I would have never even thought of. When you roll the dough into balls, make them taller than wide, it makes…

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Rocking tshirt redo

Rocking tshirt redo by Stephanie Snow

I just finished writing up this post... I was putting the finishing touches on it. I typed something I did like so I hit Control Z (edit undo) and for some reason it undid the whole post... as I was staring at the blank screen totally dumbfounded, it auto saved, talk about adding insult to injury. There was no undoing, nothing to…

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Revolt- the final results

Revolt- the final results by Stephanie Snow

OK people. Final review time! I've been sticking strictly to the Revolt Now Fitness workout plan for the past 12 weeks. When I was asked to do this I was very skeptical it seemed like a typical marketing "loose weight!!" kind of program. But I was intrigued by it so I said I'd give it a go.The web page totes a 7lb in 7 days detox. To…

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Going bananas

Going bananas by Stephanie Snow

Going bananasI go through a ton of bananas in a week. I eat one in a green monster every morning, and John brings one to work most days. In reality it's pretty easy math to figure out how many we need in the week... but somehow we end up eating more or less, and when it's less... you end up with brown overripe bananas. And there is…

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Farro Perlato

Farro Perlato by Stephanie Snow

Farro PerlatoEver tried farro? I fully admit I never had before this weekend. If you asked me what it was I would have said "some kind of grain?" Turns out it is a delicious, flavorful grain, that cooks up similar to rice or quinoa. Boil water, add the farro (you're suppose to rinse it first- I may have forgotten this step... whoops)…

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Revolt- week 3

Revolt- week 3 by Stephanie Snow

Alright guys, I just finished week three of revolt. Like I said before I'm not following the diet that goes along with this. I'm sticking to my normal, everything in moderation on a daily basis lifestyle. I'm trying to add in more veggies but other than that... my diet has been the same.As for the results, I'm down about 2 lbs, and am…

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Revolt - week 2

Revolt - week 2 by Stephanie Snow

Well it's just about the end of week 2 of the Revolt program and I'm still really liking the workouts. They don't require a lot of equipment and you can do them in about 20 minutes. Seriously. It's pretty awesome. Nichole is having a contest this week, people can record their workout and post it for a chance to win some kettle bells.…

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